

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4-NoPE

Adobe Dreamweaver CS4-NoPE
Well well, another Adobe program. This one is released by NoPE, so it’s somewhat scene-legit. It’s however again with installing from .exe’s, and then afterwards copying a cracked dll. It probably will get nuked for not being an legit iso or whatsoever, but this works. They also released a crack only for the engine release from photoshop. I’ve included both cracks for 32 and 64 bit.

Code hinting for Ajax and JavaScript frameworks

Write JavaScript more efficiently with improved support for JavaScript core objects and primitive data types. Put the extended coding functionality of Dreamweaver CS4 to work by incorporating popular JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery, Prototype, and Spry.

Related Files and Code Navigator

Click any included file shown in the Related Files bar to see both its source in Code view and the parent page in Design view. The new Code Navigator feature shows you the CSS source code that affects your current selection and allows you to access it quickly.

Adobe InContext Editing (Free preview)

Design your pages in Dreamweaver so end users can edit their web pages without help from you or additional software using the Adobe InContext Editing online service. As a Dreamweaver designer, you can limit changes to specific pages, distinct regions, and even custom formatting options.
CSS best practices

Implement CSS best practices without writing code. Create new CSS rules in the Properties panel, and get clear, simple explanations of where each property fits in the cascade of styles.

Release Name:Adobe.Dreamweaver.CS4-NoPE
Operating System : Winall
Release Date: 19.10.2008
Size: 347 MB
